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Aquascape Sludge & Filter Cleaner

Manufacturer: Aquascape
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Aquascape Sludge & Filter Cleaner - 8 oz
Treats 5,000 Gallons
SKU: 98889
Aquascape Sludge & Filter Cleaner - 16 oz
Treats 10,000 Gallons
SKU: 98890
Aquascape Sludge & Filter Cleaner - 32 oz
Treats 20,000 Gallons
SKU: 98891
Aquascape Sludge & Filter Cleaner - 1 Gallon
Treats 80,000 Gallons
SKU: 98883
AquascapePRO Sludge & Filter Cleaner- Gallon
Treats 96,000 Gallons
SKU: 30408

Aquascape Sludge & Filter Cleaner contains a combination of natural cleaners to help maintain a strong biological balance in your pond while quickly cleaning between rocks, gravel and keeping filter pads from becoming quickly clogged. Because ornamental water gardens are enclosed ecosystems, sometimes factors like fish load, uneaten fish food, organics such as leaves, sludge and unwanted debris may disrupt the balance. Aquascape Sludge Cleaner maintains a strong biological balance; providing clean, clear and healthy water conditions.

  • Contains 5 strains of heterotrophic bacteria
  • Contains 1.5 Billion CFU per ounce potency
  • Contains marigold and humic acid
  • Safe for fish, plants and animals