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Microbe-Lift Aquatic Planting Media

Manufacturer: Microbe-Lift
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Microbe-Lift Aquatic Planting Media- 10 lbs
MLCAPM20-Planting Media
Microbe-Lift Aquatic Planting Media- 20 lbs

Microbe-Lift Aquatic Plant Soil is 100% Kiln fired minerals that will not break down, float, or cloud your pond water. This planting media is ideal for potting aquatic plants in your pond. It retains oxygen, is not toxic, and also provides an excellent surface for beneficial bacteria to colonize.

  • Pre-Colonized with beneficial bacteria
  • Contains no pesticides, fertilizers or compost
  • Allows mixing any ratio of loam to planting media
  • Does not promote Algae growth
  • Safe for all fish, plants, and other aquatic life