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Poly-Flo 2" Cream Biological Filter Mat

Manufacturer: Poly-Flo
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Description Item # Price Buy Now
Poly-Flo 2" Cream Biological Filter Mat - 28" x 10'
SKU: 970167
Poly-Flo 2" Cream Biological Filter Mat - 28" x 90'
SKU: 970013

Poly-Flo's most popular biological filtration media. The 2" material is used exclusively in virtually all US manufactured pond skimmers and waterfall units. The open character of this filter media allows for high volumes of water to pass through without clogging while providing optimal surface area to facilitate bacterial colonization.

Filtration:  Biological
Color:  Cream
Thickness:  2"
Available Sizes:  28" x 10' and 56" x 90'