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Airmax SW20HP System (Unit Only)

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SW20HP System - 115V Unit Only
SKU: 600806
SW20HP System - 230V Unit Only
SKU: 600807

Providing bottom-diffused aeration in shallow ponds and lakes can provide a unique challenge to pond owners, as less water depth means smaller plate coverage, which usually translates to expensive, multi-plate systems. Shallow Water High Pressure Series™ Aeration Systems provide multiple plates to provide evenly distributed aeration in shallow water applications without forcing customers into large cost-prohibitive aeration units. Each system is made in the USA and is backed by a 2 Year Manufacturer’s Warranty.

The heart of the Shallow Water High Pressure Series™ Aeration System is the SilentAir™ Rocking Piston Compressor.  It last longer compared to other diaphragm compressors on the market today. Designed specifically for ponds and lakes up to 1/2 surface acre at 10’ deep. Each airline is equipped with Quick Disconnects for easy removal and storage. The entire compressor unit is protected by the Airmax® Composite Cabinet, which combines weather protection with a ventilation fan and high-density air intake filter to keep the compressor, cool, clean and dry. An elevated base protects hardware from flood or rainwater damage, and the cabinet is protected by a lifetime warranty (2 Year Warranty on electrical components).

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