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The R.I.S.E Method by Rick Bartel

Manufacturer: Generic
SKU: RM001
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A How-To Guide for Designing Natural Appearing Ponds, Streams and Waterfalls

This Guide will provide you with all of the necessary information, focusing specifically on the elements and characteristics needed to attain truly naturalistic results in any completed project. You will learn the intricate details of what actually makes a water feature appear so natural, why these phenomenal techniques work, and how to avoid the critical design errors left over from the good old days.

Join me as we explore the fascinating and wonderful world of water features from a naturalistic perspective that is sure to dazzle the most critical eye as we RISE to the challenge of designing and installing truly naturalistic water feature projects.

"Rick has become one of, if not the, most sought after instructors in the Water Feature Industry, and his new book, on The R.I.S.E. Methodology, raises the bar for quality installation practices and will be an absolute must for the library of every professional designer, installer and contractor in this industry."

Mark Krupka, President
National Association of Pond Professionals